मैथिलीमे हमर प्रकाशित पोथी

मैथिलीमे हमर प्रकाशित पोथी

शुक्रवार, 8 अक्टूबर 2021

Forget it Not


Forget it Not


When we feel stressed and too much tired

As things happened not as we desired

Our repeated attempts went entirely wrong

We need to relax and sing a song.


No point in keeping burden from the past

When the bag is light, we travel fast

Like everything that happened on its own

Let us forget and forgive before it is down


Never feel lost if you are left alone

Why to worry about those already gone?

Have faith in God and your own right hand

That helps a lot we must understand


We are hurt utmost, feel so much lost

Because of a jolt from the trusted most

But that is the life dear forget it not

Stories of great men will tell a lot


We might have tried and failed to achieve

Nevertheless, stick to that we believe

We need strong will and resolve to fight

There is always hope when we are right


The life is full of unfulfilled dreams

Everybody does not achieve everything

Do not underestimate that you could find

Pray and thank God for being so kind


Rabindra Narayan Mishra


Greater Noida









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