मैथिलीमे हमर प्रकाशित पोथी

मैथिलीमे हमर प्रकाशित पोथी

सोमवार, 24 सितंबर 2018

About faith in God!

About faith in God!

Our sensory organs cannot register many things which otherwise exist because of their own limitations. We cannot, therefore, say for guarantee that the world is confined to what we actually see or feel. Possibility of   many things existing beyond it cannot be ruled out. What is that the Sun is so powerful that even millions of electric bulbs put together can not do. Where does so much energy come from? There are several such Suns existing in our galaxies and then that is not the end of the story. There are many galaxies with their own set of hidden mysteries. How so many planets, stars and galaxies are existing in this universe? Perhaps we know little about it. Scientists have been working upon all this. Nevertheless, our knowledge is insufficient to explain mysteries behind the universe.  
We often hear people talking about the existence of God. It is more relevant to talk about our own existence. We live in this world at the best for hundred year or so. In fact, many people die much earlier. The life of a man is a very small fraction when compared with that of the universe. Even the science   confirms that this earth and other planets have been in existence since billions of years. 
The question is: ‘Does our existence begin with birth and end with death. In so far as our physical existence is concerned, the answer is yes. If that is so, how are we going to explain the futility of comparing our life span with that of the universe. In fact, nobody knows for certainty as to when and how they came into existence. On the other hand, we live in this world for a very limited period and then also we keep challenging the might of nature. It is simply incomparable. We come to this world for a limited period and then leave it without any exception. In between, we should try and find out the reason behind our own existence. It is the result of our own past deeds which results in our birth and rebirth.
There are situations in our life which cannot be answered by application of mind alone. We cannot easily understand why someone becomes a great scholar whereas some people cannot even pass matriculation despite best efforts. Some people are good singers, some are good speakers like that. This can be easily understood by simple logic that nature has its own peculiarities which cannot be explained mathematically. Everybody grows according to his nature. We should not try to interfere in that and should never try to superimpose ourselves upon others. It is manifestation of God in different shapes. Unfortunately, we get fixed with our own notions and try to negate the views of others. That results in conflict with which the whole world is suffering.
These days many persons are suffering from mental problems like insomnia, depression, etc. The number of suicides is increasing day by day. Even school going students are killing their classmates over small things. Why is this happening? And do we need to control them or not? If we want to control such happenings, what is the remedy? One thing is clear that material prosperity does not necessarily lead to happiness in life. Despite so much wealth and scientific advancement, we do not have mental peace. At a time, when the whole world is looking at us for spiritual guidance, it is unfortunate that many of us are allured by and attracted towards materialistic approach to life. 
Why should one worry about the existence of God? Are we able to understand everything that we see in our day to day life? The answer is big NO. Why? Because if we are not a student of Physics we cannot understand the flow of electricity through a wire but everybody irrespective of his knowledge of the subject, does feel the impact of electricity in his day to day life. If we switch on, the fan starts working, the T.V. starts giving breaking news. Only a student of Chemistry can understand that water is a compound comprising of oxygen and Hydrogen combined together in definite proportion. But this knowledge is not required for drinking water. Anybody who is thirsty can take water and feel satisfied, he may or may not have the knowledge of actual composition of water. Similarly impact of God can be felt anywhere and everywhere without perhaps going into its details.
God does not need our support to prove His strength. It is felt everywhere automatically. We often try to define God asper our convenience and requirements. We have created different religions and divided humanity into different factions. God never told anybody to do like that. But we did and continue to justify it to achieve certain selfish motive. God is not definable into a particular shape nor can be explained through certain religious practices which we adopt as per our convenience for achieving material aspirations. People have given him different names according to their culture, language etc. It is unfortunate that people are fighting and even killing each other in the name of religion. That could never have been the intention of our forefathers.
Fighting with persons following different religion is the worst thing that can happen to humanity. God never told anybody to call him with a particular name or to read a particular book. We have done it on our own and then expect others to follow blindly. This is nothing but violence.it is unfortunate that people are resorting to violence and often killing persons in the name of God. It only goes to show that we do not have slightest understanding about religion. Let us stop hating people. It is important that we stop differentiating people in the name of religion. In fact, followers of many religious leaders have done too much harm to humanity because they wanted others to accept what they considered to be true. This has resulted in spread of hatred and absence of peace all over the world. We need to introspect.