मैथिलीमे हमर प्रकाशित पोथी

मैथिलीमे हमर प्रकाशित पोथी

शनिवार, 26 जून 2021

मैथिलीक मूर्धन्य विद्वान प्रोफेसर(डाक्टर)भीमनाथ झा लिखैत छथि

हमर उपन्यास:"हम आबि रहल छी" पढ़लाक बाद मैथिलीक मूर्धन्य विद्वान प्रोफेसर(डाक्टर)भीमनाथ झा लिखैत छथि-

अपनेक नव्यतम उपन्यास 'हम आबि  रहल छी' हमरा लग आबि गेल अछि । पढ़बामे ततेक मन लागि गेल अछि जे आन बेगरता भागि गेल अछि । ठीके, रोचकता तँ अपनेक लेखनीक प्रमुख विशेषता थीके, जे एहूमे विद्यमान अछि-- एक तँ ई कारण । दोसर ई जे एहिमे बूढ़ लोकक गूढ़ व्यथाक आख्यानक उत्थान, प्रस्थान आ अवसान अत्यन्त आत्मीयता आ मार्मिकताक संग कयल गेल अछि । आजुक शिक्षित समाजक बहुलांश कोना अपसंस्कृतिक मोहजालमे फँसि नाग जकाँ अपन प्रतिपालकोकेँ डँसि लैत अछि आ अपनहुँ अन्तमे निराशाक नरकमे खसि आजीवन सिसकी भरैत रहैत अछि । परिवर्तनक एहि बिरड़ोक अछैतो सनातन कर्त्तव्यबोध (यथा-- मातृपितृभक्ति, स्वावलंबन, अपकारक बदला उपकार, तिरस्कारक उत्तर सत्कार प्रभृति)क ध्वजा उधिया नहि गेलैक अछि, अपितु फहरा रहलैके अछि । संयोग आ आकस्मिकता एकर कथानकक प्राण थिक । एक दिस पुत्र जत' प्रेमिकाक लौलमे अमेरिका धरि दौड़ मारैत छथि तैयो ओ हाथसँ पिछड़ि जाइत छनि आ ई हकन्न कनैत छथि तँ दोसर दिस मायक गंगोत्रीमे जलसमाधि लेलाक कारणे पितो सायास हुनक अनुसरण करैत छथि आ अटूट प्रेमक दृष्टान्त बनैत छथि । नाटकीयताकेँ सामान्य पाठकमे उत्सुकता जगयबाक लेखकक कौशल रूपमे देखबाक थिक । अपनेक साहित्य-सभाक ई औपन्यासिक नवरत्न मैथिली पाठकक चारू कात अपन चमक पसारैत रहय-- ताही शुभकामनाक संग हार्दिक अभिनन्दन ।   -- भीमनाथ झा.



सोमवार, 21 जून 2021

Live in peace with yourself



Live in peace with yourself


Man is not a money minting machine. Acquiring money cannot and should not become the sole purpose of life. Money has its limitations. It can be useful only to some extent but it cannot acquire things like human happiness and self-satisfaction which come from within. There is no end to temptation. We find many rich persons busy day and night earning lot of wealth by hook and crook but they also remain unsatisfied at the end. Money cannot be substitute for human values. Art and culture give greater manifestation to human qualities. People can find solace in their creative instincts. Money has its importance only if it is utilized for welfare of the needy people. We cannot have peace of mind if we sit over plenty of wealth and keep on counting them overnight. So, we have clear choice before us. Are we going to utilize our time and energy for the benefit of humanity at large or just fritter it away in selfish pursuits? That will determine our well-being and sense of happiness.

We are changing every moment. We are born a small kid. Thereafter, it takes years to become adult, get educated and settle in life. We are  totally helpless at the time of our birth. Our parents provided us everything that we needed for our growth. Our teachers help us acquire knowledge in different aspects of life. Our employers help us to gain economic strength so that we can live a respectful and self-dependent life. Actually speaking, we cannot count the persons who helped us in one way or the other during the long journey of life. Now that we have grown and developed, it is our duty towards society at large to repay through our knowledge and   economic strength so that   the unprivileged and the downtrodden could   live a more meaningful and comfortable life.

Things keep happening in life. Some of them could be of our liking and may give us lot of happiness. But many times, events not to our liking also happen. Sometimes, it leaves lasting impact on our mind. We keep on remembering such painful incidents with the result that the feelings of sorrow and disappointment get refreshed Thus, we get disturbed again and again. We can get rid of such situations by forgetting and forgiving. Things happening in day-to-day life are not always in our control. People keep on acting and reacting. Thus, an endless chain of negativities surrounds our thought process. We should try to get out of such situation. Once the mind is free from the clutches of things from the past, we have feeling of a new life. We embark upon new adventures, develop new areas of creativity and enjoy life fully and fearlessly.

We should not compare ourselves with others rather follow our own ways. If we keep on comparing ourselves with others, we are bound to get frustrated. Everyone   has his own role to play in this world. people are born in different situations and have to fight life individually depending upon his own situations. But we will find that material gains have limited role in   the development of our inner personality. In order to gain perpetual peace of mind, we have to find satisfaction within. It does not mean that we should not be eager to improve or aspire for something better. But that should not lead to self-harassment in as much as we may not be able to replicate the life of others. If we keep on comparing ourselves with others we are sure to  lose our peace of mind.

We should do our best to achieve our aspirations and live-in peace with our own self. We should feel satisfied that we tried our best and got whatever was destined to us. Peace of mind has no substitute in life. It can be achieved only by self-satisfaction, by helping the needy and making the lives of the deprived easy. Even small efforts done to help the needy persons can give us lot of self-satisfaction. We must try in that direction.

Unfortunately, we keep reacting most of the time. Sometimes, someone criticizes us for some reason or the other and we get disturbed and start thinking to take revenge. If anybody does something against our wishes, we get annoyed. Not only that, sometimes, we fight for   useless things or things which do not concern us directly or indirectly. Thus, most of our valuable time is lost in negative activities. At the end, weare   left far behind many persons who have engaged positively and used their time and energy for constructive purposes.

Persons who are intelligent but not positive in their attitude towards others often suffer in life. By the time they realise their mistakes, it is too late. The opportunities that life provide are wasted. We should, therefore, be acting in constructive way and not reacting to the things which may be beyond our control. That makes the huge difference between persons who succeed and the failures.

Life is never complete. We can always find some faults even with the great men. People find shortcomings even in persons like Mahatma Gandhi. We often hear some people pointing about Lord Ram. There is nothing surprising in it. Firstly, people live upto standards of the society as prevalent at that time. Things change, people change. the social values also change. So,we can not evaluate a person who lived thousands of years ago with the modern days expectations. Then, everyone views the world with his own vision of things which cannot be   unbiased.

Despite the fact that we keep on trying to do the best, some scopes of improvements are always left behind. That is the message of life. If we stop trying because of the fear that the things may not be upto mark ,then we will hardly be able to achieve anything. Failures are the pillars of success. If we keep on trying again and again, we are bound to achieve perfection. So, we must keep on doing. We must continue with our struggle. If someone points out about some deficiencies, we should take it calmly, think about ways and means to improve. In fact, we must thank the person who lets us know about our faults. He gives us a chance to improve. That is the way to success in life.

There is no end to anything. Everybody has his own destiny. We inherit many good and bad things from our actions in the past life. So, some people are very brilliant from the very beginning. Some are born in very rich families. Whereas we see many children spending their nights on the streets. We should be grateful to God for whatever achievements we could have and do something good to others in our day- to- day life. That could make our lives   peaceful. People will remember us not because we were very much qualified or we had enough wealth but only because of our goodness towards others.

Rabindra Narayan Mishra


बुधवार, 2 जून 2021

Life is an opportunity

Life is an opportunity


Millions of people have come and gone but nobody remembers them. Only a few persons like Vyas, Shankarachary,Vivekanand, Christ or Buddha are still remembered. They used their talents for the welfare of mankind. That is why messages of the Gita, Bible   or for that matter any religious scriptures are so much pertinent even today. They teach us the values of life.They gove us message of universal love.They inculcate is us the sense of sacrifice.They make us feel that the entire world is a family.In fact,the modern science has made this quite possible.

The entire universe consisting of millions of galaxies, planets and stars are running constantly without any break even for a moment. There movement is so scientific and calculated that even a slight variation here and there can bring about  a catastrophe. We often hear news of unidentified objects moving very close to the earth with huge speed. If such objects collide with the Earth, everything on and around it may vanish within moments. The question is :Who is protecting us from such things? Who is behind the movements of the entire universe?

The entire process of the universe is automatic. The Sun rises and sets down at the right moment. The stars move in their designated path with a set speed in appropriate directions so that there is no collision. Thus millions of planets and stars are co-existing in this never ending space in the universe. But unfortunately, we keep on fighting for every inch of the land on the earth like a child. We proudly say-“Ït is mine.” There can not be greater surprise than this attitude which everybody keeps afloat till he is forced to leave the world one day. Everything dear and near to him is left out here itself. Nobody howsoever strong and mighty could carry anything. This is the reality of life which we prefer to forget. But that does not help us in anyway. What is correct is correct. Merely because we chose to keep our eyes shut from the truth, the facts would hardly change. It is, therefore, wisdom that we realise our limitations and follow  the right path during our journey of life. If this happens, we can not only improve our lives and add beauty to it rather  a lot of welfare can be done to humanity at large.

We do not know where did we come from. We also do not know whether we will still exist in one form or the other after death. It is a fact that those who have come to this world will go today or tomorrow.That brings about the end of our physical existence. but our good deeds would servive even after death and may often make us immortals.  We must remember that we have come to this world to do something for the welfare and well-being of mankind. We do have an opportunity to do something remarkable during our life time. We should and must make the best of it and focus our entire energy in that direction.

People are suffering in this world not because there is shortage of essential things but mainly because we have adopted totally wrong attitude towards the things around us. We think only in terms of our personal gains.  The world has come to the impasse because of this. We have to understand the things around and keep our eyes open to the realities of life. We are not getting fair deal anywhere .The teacher does not teach well, the doctor is not treating his patient properly, the Police is unable to provide protection to the common people. This is happening because everybody has become too much selfish and self-centered. We want to benefit the most without caring for others . This creates a vicious circle and  we are the ultimate sufferers. We may have money but we can not buy pure milk or oil. These things might be adulterated because someone might have desired to have enough profit, may be at the cost of others. Even lifesaving drugs are spurious . The net result is that we are forced to live under constant fear and uncertainty despite having acquired high position   and enormous wealth.

Lot of our energy is often lost in negativities. We spoil lot of time thinking about the past. We keep on worrying about the future. We are all the time busy in comparing with others. Why our thought process   drives us to such things. Why can  not we be broadminded and concentrate upon our targets instead of criticizing others. This happens because we are unable to understand the message that God gives us in one or the other way. Life is not all about material achievements. We have come to this world just like travelers and we will certainly go one day. Nothing came with us nor will anything accompany us when we leave the world. In between, we have to act or react to the things around according to our abilities and that makes the difference. It is immaterial how long we live. What matters most is the way we live. Are we doing best with the abilities that God have given us? Are we really helping others to the extent we can?

We can bring about happiness in the lives of others by developing a sense  of oneness .But it can be done only through honesty. But it is part of one`s personality and can not be bought. It can be developed in the company of good people, by studying life histories of great men. We have to develop strength of character. Adi Shankaracharya or Swami Vivekanand lived very short and died early but they are remembered by everybody. They used their lives for the welfare of humanity and became immortals. That should be the target. We must understand futility of material gains, howsoever big it may look like. It ultimately fades away in course of time. It does not give lasting peace of mind. On the other hand, persons with a sense of sacrifice make a lot of difference. Only such persons leave indelible marks on the footprints of time.
